Great Commission Association of Southern Baptist Churches

We are a family of churches who advance God’s Kingdom together

Romania Partnership

Our Mission Team went to Romania (Oct. 31 - Nov. 12, 2024). To find out what happened, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! (Scroll down for more info in the “Suceava Baptist Association” section.)

Supporting, Reviving and Transforming Church Communities

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything he commanded.


Advance 2035 - Learn More Here!


Upcoming Events


Hope to see you there!

Come join your sisters in Christ for a relaxing and inspiring retreat for ministers' wives hosted by CSBC - a time to connect, recharge, and be encouraged!

7 Training Tracks offered! *Chaplaincy track is 2 days: Apr. 4&5

Southwinds Church in Tracy, CA




GCA ReNEW Ministry

When Churches struggle to impact their communities with the Gospel, a new approach is needed... but what?

Your church isn't alone; our associational ReNEW team is here to help.

This journey requires humility, wisdom, and love from all involved. May the Lord grant you clarity as you consider this ministry for your church.

GCA Preschool Partnership Program

Does your church desire to serve families in the local community? 

Optimizing your facility's usage means using it throughout the week while keeping it available for church activities. It is crucial to collaborate with like-minded ministry partners who share your commitment to spreading the Gospel. We invite your church to explore a potential partnership with Hearts and Hands Christian Preschools, a GCA ministry, to serve the young families in your community better.

Great Commission Training Institute

Great Commission Training Institute (GCTI) is the equipping component of Operation Great Commission with the premise that leadership development is essential to church health and gospel impact. The goal is to equip reproducible disciple-makers and provide quality training accessible and affordable to pastors, church lay leaders, ministry wives, and bi-vocational leaders.


ABOUT GCA - Watch The Video


The Great Commission Association of Southern Baptist Churches (GCA) empowers churches and pastors to fulfill the Great Commission and make a lasting impact in their communities.

Our core mission, as depicted in our corporate video, is to cultivate reproducible disciple-makers and spread the Gospel message far and wide. We strive to unlock potential and advance the Kingdom of God through innovative programs like ReNew and our commitment to training and equipping leaders through the Great Commission Training Institute (GCTI). GCA catalyzes growth, transformation, and unity among Southern Baptist churches, working tirelessly to support and strengthen our network of churches and leaders. Join us in this journey of faith, service, and spreading the love of Christ to the world.


Established in 1947, GCA has over 100 ministries and member churches from San Mateo to Solvang and Monterey to Milpitas. More than anything, we are a family fostering powerful, loving relationships to advance the Great Commission together.

We Invite You to Join Us!


Suceava Baptist Association Partnership

Connect your church with a sister church in Romania for mutual encouragement

Join the prayer partnership, support ministry efforts to widows and war-torn Ukraine, and more.

Church Planting

Meet our planter families

GCA offers church planters a wholistic approach to foster a successful journey of Kingdom impact.


The Great Commission Association offers comprehensive resources and tools to empower church leaders and volunteers. Our support includes leadership training, pastoral care programs, and practical church administration and community outreach guides.


SBC Ministry Toolkit

Our goal is to make every church the safest place on Earth for all attendees. This toolbox provides the necessary resources to help your church proactively prevent abuse through policy development, staff training, and expert partnerships. Pastors and leaders must take the lead to ensure safety for everyone in the church community.