You can send aid to Ukrainian refugees through GCA

Before the crisis hit, God was already establishing ties of fellowship between GCA and Romanian Baptist churches near the Ukrainian border. These sister churches are ministering physically and spiritually to the flood of desperate refugees. It is our privilege and desire to support their efforts with prayer and financial resources.

Pastor Cătălin and Paula Croitor - selfie

President of Regional Baptist Assoc. in Suceava, Romania

Living in a Romanian province bordering Ukraine, Pastor Cătălin and Paula Croitor are helping to mobilize regional Baptist churches to help those fleeing the war. The members of these churches, though having few resources, have opened their meeting spaces and homes to the flood of refugees.


a father, mother and child asked for our personal help. Tomorrow, 2 mothers and 2 children will be accommodated in our flat. They keep coming. We do not know these people, we have never met them before. We think this will be a long term situation.”

- Pastor Catalin


100% of donations will be used to help Ukrainians in need

Refugee stories, Apr. 2022 (Images, left)

Ana (grandmother), Olga (grand-daughter), Ethan and Emily (great-grandchildren) traveled all the way from Kherson, Ukraine and were welcomed by our church. Olga’s parents are still in Kherson, a city under Russian occupation. If before the start of the war Olga did not quite believe in God, now she is praying every night and is starting to believe. After attending our church services and spending time with our church families, Ethan and Emily know that they have to pray before the meal. One day they stopped their mother as she was on the point of starting her dinner and brought their hands together showing her that they have to pray. 

Nikolai pulled his car in front of our church building just as we were almost driving away after the midweek prayer service. He saw the banner and stopped to ask for help. He was very tired and stressed after driving from Kyiv to Bucharest in order to help some of his children find their way into Europe. His house in Kyiv was broken into and he was now going back to his wife and other children. He was very thankful to be able to wash, sleep and eat in our church accommodation.  

Iacob and his son Eldar came to stay in our church basement from Chernovtsi while his wife and other three children were located somewhere else near Suceava. He told us how God miraculously helped him cross the border and how grateful he is for all the help the Ukrainian people are getting in Suceava. He also shared with us the atrocities the Russian army has committed, some of them quite difficult to be believed.

One of our local Christian mayors organized a barbecue for all the refugees that were able to be transported to his location. After eating well, they were exposed to the Gospel message preached by one of our guests. The Holy Spirit worked in the heart of at least one soul who came forward asking for prayer. 

 The drama of many displaced Ukrainian families continue as many are boarding the trains in Suceava in order to reach their destinations. Our prayer is that their final destination will be in the arms of our loving Lord Jesus, the only place where they can find real refuge and shelter.  

Please, also remember in prayer our pastors and volunteers who are growing tired and now need to be ministered to themselves. We feel the overwhelming workload ourselves. But we press on.  

Many thanks and blessings.

Pastor Catalin and Paula Croitor

Betleem Baptist Church of Suceava, Romania

Praying to Receive Christ

at a BBQ for Ukrainian refugees. The event was organized by a local Christian mayor.

Refugees Listening to the Gospel